The PKU-Retina-Recon dataset is constructed by National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology (NELVT), Peking University. The goals to create the PKU-Retina-Recon dataset include:

  1. providing the worldwide researchers of the neuromorphic vision community a spike/event dataset for evaluating their algorithms;
  2. facilitating the development of reconstruction technologies by providing several spike sequences with different motion speed or at different light conditions.

Therefore, the PKU-Retina-Recon dataset is now partly made available for the academic purpose only on a case-by-case basis

The PKU-Retina-Recon dataset is constructed by National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology (NELVT), Peking University, sponsored by the National Basic Research Program of China and Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. The NELVT at Peking University is serving as the technical agent for distribution of the dataset and reserves the copyright of all the sequences in the dataset. Any researcher who requests the PKU-Retina-Recon dataset must sign this agreement and thereby agrees to observe the restrictions listed in this document. Failure to observe the restrictions will result in access being denied for the request of the future version of the PKU-Retina-Recon dataset and being subject to civil damages in the case of publication of sequences that have not been approved for release.


  •  The spike sequences for download are part of the PKU-Retina-Recon dataset.
  •  The sequences can only be used for ACADEMIC PURPOSES. NO COMERCIAL USE is allowed.
  •  Copyright © National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology (NELVT) and Institute of Digital Media, Peking University (PKU-IDM). All rights reserved.

All publications using PKU-Retina-Recon should cite the papers below:

Lin Zhu, Jianing Li, Xiao Wang, Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian; Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021, pp. 2400-2409


You can download the agreement(pdf) by clicking the DOWNLOAD link . After filling it, please send the electrical version to our Email: pkuml at (Subject: PKU-Retina-Recon Agreement) .