PKU SketchRe-ID Dataset


The PKU Sketch Re-ID dataset is constructed by National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology (NELVT), Peking University.

The dataset contains 200 persons, each of which has one sketch and two photos. Photos of each person were captured during daytime by two cross-view cameras. We cropped the raw images (or video frames) manually to make sure that every photo contains the one specific person. We have a total of 5 artists to draw all persons’ sketches and every artist has his own painting style.


  • The images and the corresponding annotation results can only be used for ACADEMIC PURPOSES. NO COMERCIAL USE is allowed.
  • Copyright © National Engineering Laboratory for Video Technology (NELVT) and Institute of Digital Media, Peking University (PKU-IDM). All rights reserved.

All publications using PKU SketchRe-ID dataset should cite the paper below:

Lu Pang, Yaowei Wang, Yi-Zhe Song, Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian; Cross-Domain Adversarial Feature Learning for Sketch Re-identification; ACM Multimedia 2018


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